Contact Ideal Roofing Transcript Jim Hardwick: The air has to speed up and travel to the other side. When air is moving fast, it has a decrease in pressure. Hi, I am Jim Hardwick with Ideal Roofing, and you need attic ventilation. It’s going to move the air out of your attic, obviously to keep […]
Beautiful Backyard Makeover
Contact System Pavers Of Houston Transcripts: Gani Cervantes: There’s a lot of elements in this project. We installing columns, we having steps. There’s a lot of things going on in this detailed project. If anything happens underneath pavers, you can just pick up an area, reinstall. Concrete, you can’t do that. It’s definitely enjoyable […]
Adding AC Returns Helps The Room Cool Down
Contact Abacus Air Conditioning & Heating Transcripts: Alex Sanchez: Whenever you have the door closed, the heat that’s already inside this room cannot escape. Hi, my name’s Alex. I’m an AC technician with Abacus. A lot of our homeowners have issues with a particular room being warmer than the rest of the house. Even […]
How To Change A Whole Home AC Media Filter
Contact Abacus Air Conditioning & Heating Transcripts: Alex Sanchez: Make sure your arrow is pointing to your furnace. Hi, my name’s Alex with Abacus Air Conditioning. Today we’re going to show homeowners where to change out their filters and how often and why it’s important to your AC system. In these particular home, and […]
AC Tune Up Walk Through
Contact Abacus Air Conditioning & Heating Transcripts: Alex Sanchez: The cleaner it is, the easier it’s going to breathe, the less energy it’s going to use to cool down your house. Hello. My name’s Alex. I’m an AC technician with Abacus. Today we’re going to show the importance of performing an AC tune-up every […]
AC Fresh Air Intake
Contact Abacus Air Conditioning & Heating Transcripts: Alex: This fresh air intake has a filter inside. Hi. My name’s Alex. I’m an AC technician with Abacus. Some homeowners come into their attic and they don’t know what this box is. In this particular home, this is a fresh air intake. It basically brings… has […]
Radiant Barrier Installation Do’s and Don’ts
Contact Arctic Insulation Solutions Transcripts: Brady Hallford: Having the air gap allows the radiant barrier to more effectively bounce the heat back into the atmosphere and cool your attic. We’re up in an attic about three-quarters through the install of the radiant barrier foil. So as you could see, the foil is a four […]
Do You Have Enough Attic Insulation?
Contact Arctic Insulation Solutions Transcripts: Brady Hallford: Here’s a quick tip to know if you have enough insulation. As you can see, this attic has 14 inches of blown fiberglass, but if you go into your attic and you can see the top of your ceiling joist, these ceiling joists are typically six inches. […]
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