Benefits of Hiring a Good Project Manager

Stuart Whitehair…: I always describe to the people, it’s going to be dusty, dirty, noisy, nasty, and those are the good days. I said, “There’ll be other days when it really gets bad.”

Debra: On a scale of one to 10, we’re 10. We’re number 10 happy.

Tom Tynan: Just because the story has a happy ending doesn’t mean the road to get there was easy.

Jeff Roberts: There are never jobs where there’s not some kind of issue along the way. It’s just the nature of construction.

Debra: There were so many different parts to this job that I think a big part of that happiness has got to do with the project manager.

Stuart Whitehair…: I wouldn’t see you as just strapping gear.

Jeff Roberts: Project managing isn’t just something where you show up once a week and just see how things went for the week.

Tom Tynan: For TriFection, a successful job starts and ends here, the project managers red book. Every job site has one.

Stuart Whitehai…: First thing is checking everything to make sure that you have very little backwards motion, to make sure that things are in the right place before you cover up the walls or before you go to the next step.

Tom Tynan: Because missing a small step can mean big problems later.

Stuart Whitehair…: There’s a cover plate missing so somebody goes to screw the drywall on. They’ll screw a screw into that and ended up with a leak inside the wall.

Tom Tynan: This problem is that a town home being remodeled.

Stuart Whitehair…: This wall will be coming out.

Tom Tynan: Taking down walls across town at a kitchen renovation.

Stuart Whitehair…: Put yours on straight and we’ll float right to it.

Tom Tynan: Custom cabinets at a third house.

Stuart Whitehair…: I try to hit every job every day.

Tom Tynan: All three of these jobs are going on at the same time.

Debra: Pretty much every day Stuart was here.

Tom Tynan: There is no day off when it comes to knowing exactly what is going on at every job.

Jeff Roberts: The more efficient a job goes, the more chance you have of staying on budget.

Tom Tynan: As a home owner, you should feel comfortable with the work you are paying to have done.

Debra: Having a single point of contact for us was so beneficial and reduced the stress.

Stuart Whitehair…: Things are looking pretty clean.

Tom Tynan: Cleaning up at the end of the day and calling the homeowner takes time. Maybe that’s why some project managers skip these steps.

Jeff Roberts: It’s not for everyone. It’s a really tricky job.

Tom Tynan: Stuart has seen enough jobs to know how the story ends.

Stuart Whitehair…: I get a great amount of enjoyment when the project has finished. Seeing what we’ve created.

Tom Tynan: Hiring project managers that make remodeling go smoothly. That’s what makes TriFection a certified home show pro. For I’m Tom Tynan.
