You paid good money to get a pool. Why block it off with a mesh fence when
Glass Doctor gives you all the safety and does it transparently….
Ben (customer)
Well we went with them because we wanted a glass pool fence.
Having a glass fence allows you to have a completely frameless design so you
can sit at your breakfast table look out over your beautiful pool and not notice your fence at all.
A frameless glass fence.
Ben (customer) I’m an engineer so I like to work very precisely.
John (Practical Example)
This slides onto your glass, supports your glass without having to have any holes
in your glass at all and that’s all the hardware there is. It’s completely frameless Tom
But, what about safety?
1/2 Inch clear tempered glass is very safe. It’s so safe you see it at hotels and
resorts. To give you an example of how safe it is, the glass in your car door is less than half as thick as what the glass we’re using here is. So it’s over twice as tough, twice as strong and twice as durable.
John (Practical Example)
Here we have a piece of sample glass to show you just how hard tempered glass
can be – (smack glass)
Getting the right glass in the right place gives you a strong and pleasing look.
And, when it comes to taking care of it…
John (Practical Example)
We put a protective glass coating, we call it a hydrophobic coating. It causes the
water to bead up and fall off that protects your glass and makes it 99% easier to clean
One less thing to worry about. Glass Doctor’s safety and technologically
advanced engineering didn’t happen overnight.
This is something that’s been proven through the years, we’re just now taking it
to residential customers. So it gives you the safety you need without taking away the overall look and design of your pool.
Because where there’s family, and a pool, there’s one overriding concern:
Ben (customer)
Obviously getting a new pool safety was our first concern and a glass pool fence really gives all the benefits of still being able to enjoy your backyard and the beauty of the pool without less visually appealing mesh pool fences
Tom Beautiful pool. Beautiful view. Made Easy.
Ben (customer)
We’re thrilled with it. Yeah couldn’t be any happier. Our fence came out beautiful.
Getting the right glass for the right purpose AND keeping it safe—that’s what
makes Glass Doctor my HomeShow Pro for glass. For HomeShow Radio dot com, I’m Tom Tynan.