What’s Included In a Professional AC Maintenance Appointment?


Yeah, it was starting to struggle a little bit to cool or to hold temp.

Rick Young:
We need the capacitor checked once a year, just to check to make sure that it’s not weak, and if it’s weak, it will cause the condenser fan motor to overheat, and it will also cause malfunctions on the compressor.

Tom Tynan:
Summertime blues got you down with unexpected AC repairs? Air Tech of Katy has the cure to help you keep cool, as temps go up.

Rick Young:
Well, refrigerant levels are important on the system. If your refrigerant levels are checked and if they’re not where they should be, you could have high utility costs, you could have a bigger problem down the road. Also too, your system is not dehumidifying like it should.

It was very humid in the house, and it was just uncomfortable.

Tom Tynan:
And to maintain a level of comfort and safety, there are a few simple maintenance checks that can ensure your system works at an optimal level all summer.

Rick Young:
It’s important to keep the drains clear for the simple reason the AC is drawing moisture out of the house. If the drain line is not clear, the drain will back up into the evaporator coil, which will cause high humidity. Also too, if the drain line is not clear, it could overflow onto your ceiling.

Tom Tynan:
And did I mention safety? There are a few fail-safe aspects that Air Tech includes on their checklist, to keep you and your house free from worry.

Rick Young:
A float switch, the purpose of that is you want to make sure that you have one on your system for just in case the drain lines overflow. This will shut the system off, causing no flooding in the house.

Tom Tynan:
And there are always telltale signs at something is amiss.

My electricity bill actually started going up a lot more, and usually, that didn’t happen until the June bill, and it started going up in April.

Tom Tynan:
No doubt, there’s preventative measures.

Rick Young:
Filter maintenance is very important. It can cause high utility costs if they’re not changed out, it can cause some problems down the road, like a blower motor burning up. It can cause your evaporator coil to freeze up. Also, you just want to keep the dirt out of your house.

So, I learned that even though we can baby our units, we should still make sure that we are doing our checkups.

Rick Young:
It’s important to get the system checked out, because any small repair will save you from a major repair in the future.

I will definitely stick to Air Tech’s recommended schedule, because I do not want to have to replace another unit.

Tom Tynan:
Simple maintenance instead of AC replacement? Yes, please. Air Tech of Katy has your comfort in mind. Stick with their checklist, and you’ll be cool all summer long. For homeshowradio.com, I’m Tom Tynan.
