Water is an increasingly precious commodity. Supply is dwindling as demand increases. That’s an expensive combination for Texas homeowners. The fact is, keeping water in the ground means keeping your money in the bank. Learn how as Tom at Family Landscapes shares three secrets he uses to create a water-wise landscape.
Landscaping that saves water saves money
The vision is to come up with something low maintenance, easy to care for, with low watering requirements. Another consideration Thomas takes into account is how much upkeep your landscape will require. It’s possible to choose plants that are low maintenance, meaning they don’t require pruning much more than twice a year at most. Their watering requirement is no more than twice a week. Even with these plants, thoughtful consideration of your irrigation system will decrease the water requirements.
Water conservation’s biggest challenge
The biggest obstacle to water conservation is runoff. If the sprinkler system is set up correctly, you have head-to-head overlap. Instead of drenching your landscaping, set the sprinkler to water, sometimes twice a day, sometimes three times a day, but in short intervals. That helps achieve deep-root watering on the plants.
You don’t necessarily need to rebuild your yard from scratch to make it efficient. Choose the right plants. Install the right irrigation system. Make your yard look fantastic without breaking your wallet or draining the reservoir.