Liven up your yard

One of the largest and oldest full service nurseries in the Houston area is RCW Nurseries. They have a large selection of what you need for your yard and garden — shrubs, roses, perennials, herbs, trees and annuals. Spend the day exploring RCW Nurseries’ four acres and enjoy a picnic lunch. RCW Nurseries can take care of all your gardening needs.

What most people say when they come in, oh, I didn’t realize you were so big, and it’s so peaceful back here.

It’s just a good place to relax and walk around.

Because it doesn’t look like that from the highway. We feel like we’re serving the community. Well-stocked with first class plants and trees. Annuals, perennials, herbs, full garden, thinner.

I’ve heard people say, oh, I can get this at Home Depot cheaper. But they’re not going to give you any advice on what to do, and how to plant, and how to take care of it. Trust when you come here that we say that we have a really terrific staff.

They even call and ask for a particular person here. I mean, they want certain people to help them. A lot of times, they tell us, I bought a plant from you, and it didn’t die, but I bought it from someplace else, and it did die. Like our plants have a better quality.

A while back, a lady wrote an article in the paper, and she wrote in the paper, this is like an oasis in the middle of concrete. And our customers can take it home with them, naturally. Yes. That’s the name of the game.
