Which Direction Do Your Soffit Vents Face?

Contact Ideal Roofing


Jim Hardwick:

This drill is called tall kneeling mini squats. This is a great drill to work on a little bit of glute stability, hip stability, but we’re also going to work on hip extension, opening up the front side of our hip capsules. Okay? We’ve got Bree on a pad here. You can support your knees. All we’re going to do is she’s starting her heels on her butt. And we’re going to extend up just like you’re doing a little baby squat. All the way up and then down.

What we want to focus on here is moving or extending throughout her hips. We don’t want the angle to change in her low back. One of the misses or faults here, a lot of times folks will start to extend throughout their mid-back. We want to focus on hip extension. Sometimes when we don’t have enough hip extension, you might start to compensate. So wherever you feel a good pull or tug in the front side of your hip and then down, this is more of a mobility drill. You’re probably not going to feel a lot of fatigue. We want your brain to start to understand how to extend properly in the hips. This is tall kneeling mini squats, a great drill to work on hip extension.
