3 places to prevent likely roof leaks

Since most roof leaks happen in predictable locations, preventing them means focusing in these three places. Learn where and what to watch for and one simple step to prevent repair issues in the future.

The top three roof leak locations

The only thing worse than a leaky roof is realizing how easily it could have been prevented in the first place by making the right choices during installation.

“Any time there’s a penetration or a break in elevation, whether it’s a plumbing pipe, valleys, the ventilation area– any time there’s a hole in the roof somewhere, 90% of the leaks usually occur around one of the penetrations on the roof,” says Jim Hardwick with Ideal Roofing. “It’s addressing all those leak areas and making sure those details are done right for the longevity of the roof.”

Like so many things around your home, it doesn’t pay to skimp on your roof. Better materials installed correctly will prevent leaks for years to come and all the hassles that come with it.

Learn more about your roof

See more videos with Jim Hardwick from Ideal Roofing and learn what to watch for and how to prevent a roof leak and other problems.
