Fix a shingle

Rain or shine, your roof protects. In fact, it’s shielding your home all the time. How can it take all that stress and never get damaged? Well, it can’t. Your roof’s shingles need repair sometimes. Your roof protects you, and thus, should be taken care of properly. Fix those problem shingles in a flash.  Jim Hardwick from Ideal Roofing can help you with his know how.  Watch as Jim gives us the QuickTip on shingle repair.

Thanks Charlie.

Jim, what are the steps involved in changing out a broken shingle.

Well, number one, we’re going to loosen the shingle that we need to replace and the shingles around it. And you don’t want to lift it all the way out, because you’ll break the shingles.

Right, yeah.

So you come back on top, just like you would wood.

Number two, we’re going to remove the nails that are holding the shingle in place. Then just slide it. Just slide it across, there you go. Just like that.


Then the one above it. Slide the one above it. It’s just a repeated process. The same thing you did up there, you’ve got to do down here. Just got to keep track of your shingle. Then that’s it. It’s going to slide right out. We’re going to replace that shingle. We’re going to nail it down, and seal it. There you go.
