Recycling roofing shingles the easy way

Recycling roofing shingles give them a second life. Once upon a time, trailer-loads of these old shingles wound up in Houston landfills every day. Cherry Companies has a better idea: recycling roofing shingles and put that material back to work. Watch Joe Rizzo from Cherry Companies show us how your old roof could help create a greener Houston.

Recycling roofing shingles step-by-step

Shingles removed by the local roofing contractor are brought to one of Cherry’s centers for recycling roofing shingles. Cherry Companies feeds the shingles into the rotochopper. It grinds the shingles. It removes the metal and nails. And it produces a finished product at the granular size. The finished product can be used as an alternative fuel source. It also can be reintroduced back into hot mix, for asphalt plants which will reduce dust.
