Proven way to avoid foundation repairs

The moisture levels under and around your slab is a major cause of foundation repairs. You can’t control the weather, but you can control the moisture of your soil. When you learn how, you’ll wonder why more people don’t take these simple steps.

Foundation Repairs can be prevented

The best solution to foundation problems is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Follow this step-by-step method and moisture issues should be a the least of your foundation concerns.

Watering system parts list

  • 2 Y’s with shutoffs
  • 1 pressure regulator (10-20 lb. range)
  • 1 vacuum breaker
  • 1  timer (you can use a battery operated timer that attaches to the hose bib or an irrigation timer with a zone for the foundation)
  • Adequate soaker hose (round black porous hose that weeps water ) to go around the entire foundation.