Three factors separate the right kitchen countertop from a kitchen disaster

Choosing the right kitchen countertop seems easy—until you see all the choices. Before long, it’s easy to see how one wrong decision could spell disaster for your kitchen.

Kitchen Countertop Options

Granite is the most popular natural stone choices for a kitchen countertop. However, its looks can be deceiving. According to Jeff Roberts with TriFection, Granite “can break easy, it can have fissures and faults and veining that would cause it to fall apart.”

That’s why choosing the right slab comes down to more than just a pretty color or pattern.

Builder Kitchen Countertop

“It was the least offensive one that the builder had available,” Veronica said of the granite kitchen countertop in her new home. “The black and brown, it was just too dreary for me.”

The good news: Veronica has options.

Countertop Material options

“There are many types of countertops to choose from,” says Jeff Roberts. “There are three things you need to consider: budget, style, and function.”

Veronica first considered Silestone, That’s a manmade product made of quartz and polymers. It’s a strong surface but doesn’t have some of the random qualities found on a stone surface.

“I didn’t want a manmade product,” Veronica added. “I wanted it to look natural and have imperfections.”

Marble has a warm natural charm, but it’s not right for everyone. That’s because marble is more likely to stain, and it’s more likely to get chips in it. On the other hand, as it wears, Marble gains character.

Granite Kitchen Countertop Solution

“Whatever your personality is you can find it in granite,” Veronica added. “That’s what we wanted.”

Of course, Granite isn’t without faults. There’s staining, breaking, falling apart

“If you buy good quality, high-quality granite, that’s sealed properly the first time,” warns Jeff Roberts, “You don’t have the issues that you hear about with granite.”

If your countertop looks fantastic, you can thank the craftsman at fabrication stage, this is where cuts are made, and seems become seamless. Only the fine tuning that’s done on site.

“Fine tuning means perfectly level with seams that should go unnoticed,” adds Jeff Roberts. “You might have ten seams in a kitchen that really only needed two.”

Happy Granite Ending

Veronica’s kitchen is dreary no more with the look of a seemingly seamless granite countertop.

That’s because Veronica took the time to research the right surface, the right slab, and the right installer.

“I think the kitchen now is happier,” says Veronica. “It’s just lighter and airer.”

TriFection kitchen countertop experts guide you through the entire process. That’s why they’re not only HomeShow Pros, but the company that remodeled Tom’s kitchen.
