Fruit trees are edible landscaping—if you choose the right ones

“If you see flowers and blooms on it, and your leaves are nice and green, a brilliant green,” says RCW Nurseries’ Amanda Gallagher about fruit trees, “Then, you’re doing the right thing.”

Fruit Trees: Edible Landscaping

Why would you go through the trouble of growing your own fruit? Because, it’s worth it. Instead of going to the store, just step outside and pick it straight off a tree, so it’s as fresh as it can be.

Choosing the right fruit trees

There’s certain varieties that will work here, there’s other varieties that will not. Some popular varieties our HomeShow Pros at RCW Nurseries recommend include: Peaches, plums, apples, pomegranates, pears, persimmons… and of course citrus, citrus does really well here.

Fruit trees need cold hours

Before you buy you need to know the planting zone you live in. You want to make sure you’re choosing a fruit tree that will get enough cold hours.

“Each tree needs a certain amount of hours under 45 degrees to produce to its maximum quantity,” says Amanda.

Check your zone against those hours and you’ll be able to find out. Houston is mostly in Zone 9. Though, northern areas can take on the attributes of Zone 8.

Timing matters for fruit trees

The amount of fruit your labor will yield, depends on the time of year you plant your fruit tree.

“Right after the winter is just about finished, right before the springtime, perfect,” Amanda adds. “That allows the tree to acclimate into the soil and start growing.”

Step-by-step planting for fruit trees

Planting your fruit tree is a simple four-step process:

  1. Dig a hole a little bit wider than your pot, just about as deep as your pot
  2. Put your root activator inside; add a little compost
  3. mulch the top and your good to go
  4. Of course, remember to water

If you haven’t watched it yet, take time to review the process in our video.

Good fruit takes time

It might take a few years before you’re growing enough lemons to make lemonade, but don’t be afraid to pick off those first fruits.

“Try to take off some of the fruit the first year or two so the tree get’s established,” says RCW’s David Williamson. “Keep an eye on your tree, it’s a living investment, so you have to take care of it.”

The reward will be a lifetime of fresh fruit. RCW Nurseries are the experts Tom Tynan trusts for his fruit trees. That’s what makes them a HomeShow Pro .
