‘Crazy Ants’ swarm invades Houston, should you be worried?

They’re out there. Millions, billions of tiny little insects, marching onward, spreading. Growing. Rasberry Crazy Ants are infecting and swarming Houston at a rapid pace. Very little can be done to eliminate these pesky critters.

Crazy Ants solutions

Luckily, Tom Rasberry, the exterminator for which the ants are named after, steps in to tell us the best way to tackle this small, but big, problem.
“Most of your residential areas can be treated very effectively,” says Rasberry. “It’s just critical that you have an expert identify the ant and identify it to a species. The issue is 99.9% of the products that kill fire ants will not kill the Rasberry crazy ants. Some of the products that will kill the Rasberry crazy ants won’t kill the ghost ants. If you know how to treat that particular species properly, you can control it.”
